Chris O'Dell Photographs
Reading Rooftops

Reading Rooftops
was taken from the roof of our house at 183 Kings Road Reading, looking
south west, the road veering to the left in the distance is Queen's
Road. Opposite, where the trees are, is Eldon Road, up which I
used to cycle to school each day. The building near the centre with the
yellowish frontage was a temperance hotel. The house I was
brought up in was built in the 1840s just as the Great Western Railway
was creeping towards Bristol; it was at this time that Reading began to
prosper. The house had very large, cold, rooms. There was
no heating except very small gas fires. There was no insulation
or double glazing, and the wind whistled through the gaps in the sash
windows. In the dreadful winter of 1947 all the water pipes
burst, as they were made out of lead and ran down the outside of the
house. We took water in buckets from a standpipe in the
road for several weeks. This looks like another horrible winter. The Kodachrome film renders the soft muted tones beautifully. This photograph would have been taken in about 1958 when I had my firest "proper" camera, a Voigtlander Vito B. It replaced my Ensign Fullvue.
Camera: Voigtlander Vito B, lens Colour-Skopar 50mm, film stock Kodachrome 135.
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